Test and Tag electrical equipment- What makes the procedure a necessity?
You must have heard about the test and tagging procedures if your workplace deals with electrical appliances. Test and tag is, in reality, a procedure that checks the safety of portable electrical appliances. It is inclusive of two parts- 1) The Visual inspection of appliance to check damage. 2) The Electrical testing of the appliance with a portable appliance tester. Once these two parts are done well then the item is placed with a tag for confirming the testing. Also, it shows the name of the person who tested it, test date and the next due date of the test. Why is Test and Tag Adelaide necessary? The primary reason behind doing the procedures is for ensuring the safety of the individuals at the workplace who come into contact with the appliance. This testing minimizes the risk of a hazard. Who requires to do the test and tag? The industries like mining, construction and others require testing their appliances and tagging them every quarter. This is ...