Do not forget to check the testing tag before using any electrical appliance to save yourself from being in any unwanted circumstance
Test and Tag is the process of checking the safety of portable electrical appliances. Usually,it involves two parts: · Visually inspecting the appliance for any damage · Electrical testing of the appliance with a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT). Once the appliance has been tested, it is placed with a tag to ascertain that it has been tested, along with displaying who tested it, with the test date, and mentioning the next due test. The fundamental reason behind doing testing and tagging is to ensure protection from any harm to the people in the workplace who will come into contact with the appliance, while also minimizing the risk quotient of an electrical accident. The Australian Standard Committee provides protocols and requirements for the test and tag industry with regards to the safety of electrical appliances. It sets out guidance to resolve issues like intervals between tes...